Contact Us
Bowles Hall Administration Building, 3rd Floor Room 315, Lorman Campus
(601) 877-6318
Mailing Address:
1000 ASU Drive, #150
Lorman, MS 39096-7500
pg电子下载 State University Office of Internal Audit (OIA) is an independent, objective assurance and consulting service designed to add value and improve the University operations. ASU Office of Internal Audit reports administratively to the President and functionally to the Budget, Finance and Audit Committee and ultimately the Board of Trustees through the Board’s system Chief Audit Executive. (See Org Chart)
Internal Audit performs compliance, operational, and financial audits. Operations are conducted in accordance with IHL’s Internal Audit Policies and Procedures. In addition to performing formal audits and internal control assessments, we are available to answer questions and give advice regarding specific policies and procedures as well as act as consultants on internal controls. While performing any services, the IA staff shall maintain objectivity and integrity as well as be free from conflicts of interests and shall not knowing misrepresent facts or subordinate his/her judgment to others.
We hope this site will provide you with helpful information regarding the Office of Internal Audit and the available services. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions, suggestions, or comments at
For additional information regarding the Office of Internal Audit, see ASU Internal Audit’s Mission, Vision and Core Values.